Welcome to the AA9PW Amateur Exam practice pages. This site helps you practice for the any of the three written examinations required to obtain a US Amateur Radio license. The three types of amateur radio licenses are: Technician, General, and Extra. As you progress from Technician to Extra, you gain access to more of the radio frequencies (‘ham bands’) allocated for use by licensed radio amateurs.
You can create a free account on the AA9PW practice site and then work your way through the licensing questions and take authentic practice exams to prepare yourself for the licensing exams.
The FCC Technician Exam (Element 2) consists of 35 questions, you are required to get over 75% (26 out of 35) for a…
The FCC General Exam (Element 3) consists of 35 questions, you are required to get over 75% (26 out of 35) for a passing…
The FCC Extra Exam (Element 4) consists of 50 questions, you are required to get over 75% (37 out of 50) for a passing…